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Guide: Acquisition of Moroccan citizenship

1- The Moroccan citizenship could be granted to any persons born in Morocco from foreign parents, having regularly resided in Morocco, whose father is himself born in Morocco, where the father is originated from  a country in which the majority of the population is made up of a community speaking Arabic and believing in the religion of Islam, provided the father belongs to such community.


Natural persons born in Morocco from a foreign father born in Morocco

Required documents
· Personal application;
· Extract of birth certificate of minor single children;
·  Extract of birth certificate of father, criminal record (sheet 2);
·  Extract or certified copy of marriage contract;
·  Certificate of 2 year residency of the male spouse in Morocco;
Place of submission : Ministry of Justice Civil Affairs Directorate
Place of issue : Prosecutions department
Processing time : The file is sent to the Ministry of Justice Civil Affairs Directorate in less than one month
Ways of claims : Al-Wassit Institution (Mediator)
Contact : Ministry of Justice and Liberties
Sources of information (home department) : Ministry of Justice and Liberties

 2- Acquisition by foreigners born in Morocco of foreign parents also born in Morocco after the application of the law on citizenship.
The Moroccan nationality could be granted to any child born in Morocco from foreign parents, who are themselves born in Morocco after the entry into force of the current Dahir (Royal decree), provided a regular residence in Morocco.

Applicant : People born in Morocco of a foreign father also born in Morocco
Required documents
· Personal application, Extract of birth certificate
· Extract or certified copy of marriage contract;
· Extract of birth certificate of father, extract of birth certificate of mother;
· Criminal record ( sheet 2), certificate of residency, two passport photographs.
Fees : None
Place of submission : Ministry of Justice
Place of issue : Prosecutions department
Processing time : The file is sent to the Ministry of Justice Civil Affairs Directorate in less than one month
Ways of claims : Al-Wassit Institution (Mediator)
Contact : Ministry of Justice
Sources of information (home department) : Ministry of Justice and Liberties

3- The acquisition of citizenship for people born in Morocco of a Moroccan mother and a foreign father.
Children of mixed marriages are considered Moroccan as a result of birth from a Moroccan mother and may express their will to keep solely the citizenship of one of their parents, by means of a statement submitted to the Ministry of Justice, from age 18 to 20 years old.
Required documents
·      Personal application;
·     Extract of birth certificate of minor single children;
·     Extract of birth certificate of father;
·     Criminal record ( sheet 2);
·     Extract or certified copy of marriage contract;
·     Certificate of residency in Morocco;
·     Two passport photographs.
Fees : None
Place of submission : Ministry of Justice Civil Affairs Directorate
Place of issue : Prosecutions department
Processing time : The file is sent to the Ministry of Justice Civil Affairs Directorate in less than one month
Ways of claims : Ministry of Justice Civil Affairs Directorate
Contact : Le Ministère de la Justice 
Sources of information (home department) : Ministry of Justice and Liberties

4- Acquisition through marriage
Foreign women who enter into marriage with Moroccan men may, after a regular residence of the couple in Morocco for 5 years a least, draw up, during marital relationship, a statement addressed to the minister of Justice in order to acquire the Moroccan citizenship.
Applicant : Natural persons
Required documents
· Personal application;
· Extract of birth certificate;
· Criminal record ( sheet 2), certificate of citizenship for the male spouse,
·  Copy or certified copy of marriage contract;
· Certificate of  2 year residency of the male spouse in Morocco;
·  Two passport photographs.
Fees : None
Place of submission : Ministry of Justice Civil Affairs Directorate
Place of issue : Prosecutions department
Ways of claims : Al-Wassit Institution (Mediator)
Contact : Ministry of Justice
Sources of information (home department) : Ministry of Justice and Liberties

5- Application for naturalization
Naturalization is the acquisition of nationality or citizenship by individuals who do not possess it by birth. Foreigners residing in Morocco willing to acquire Moroccan citizenship through naturalization must follow the procedure below:
Applicant : Natural persons
Required documents
·     Personal application, extract of birth certificate;
·     Extract of birth certificate of minor single children;
·     Criminal record (sheet 2);
·     Certificate of residency in Morocco of at least 5 years;
·     Medical certificate of physical and mental fitness;
·     Certificate stating possession of means of subsistence;
·     Copy of certified copy of marriage contract;
·     Certificate of Moroccan citizenship of mother if she is Moroccan;
·     Certificate of citizenship of spouse if she Moroccan;
·     Certified copy of study or professional diplomas;
·      Certificate of  Arabic language proficiency;
·     Two passport photographs.
Fees : None
Place of submission : Ministry of Justice Civil Affairs Directorate.
Place of issue : Prosecutions department
Processing time : Less than one month
Ways of claims : Al-Wassit Institution (Mediator)
Contact :Ministry of Justice
Sources of information (home department) : Ministry of Justice and Liberties

6- Certificate of Moroccan citizenship
This certificate is a proof of the citizenship of applicants
Applicant : Natural persons born in Morocco from foreign parents born in Morocco.
Required documents
·    Application by concerned persons or their representatives;
·     Extract of birth certificate of father or a copy of the family civil status family
·    record ( page of father);
·     Extract of birth certificate;
·     Copy of National Identity Card;
·     Two passport photographs.
Fees : 20 dhs = 2 Euro
Place of submission : Prosecutions department
Place of issue : Prosecutions department
Processing time : Same day
Ways of claims : Al-Wassit Institution (Mediator)
Contact : Ministry of Justice
Sources of information (home department) : Ministry of Justice and Liberties

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